TraiTel SMS (Text Message) Solutions
TraiTel Telecommunications' aim is to offer a complete messaging solution to any customer that uses our services. Send and receive SMS via our desktop software, via one of our many APIs through our gateway, email or the web.
So What Does It Cost? (Prices exclude GST)
SMS can be sent to and from anywhere in the world at prices few can match. Option 1 For only $0.11 (world wide coverage through our international partners) you can send an SMS with your own personalised sender ID so that your company name or personal name shows up on the recipient's phone instead of a normal mobile number. Option 2 Alternatively for as little as $0.09 (for New Zealand customers only, via our New Zealand network) you can send an SMS that displays a normal mobile number, is delivered immediately and has a local time stamp. Prices are +GST. Enter this special offer code TTF798AAASX3981 during sign up and immediately receive 50 free nationally terminated SMS (Option 2) to try!! |
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Does TraiTel offer a simple software package to send and receive SMS?
One of the key services we offer is the ability to send and receive text messages (SMS) to and from a mobile phone in the same way that you can receive and send faxes or initiate and receive telephone calls - right from your desktop PC by using TTMessenger as the interface.
With TTMessenger you can send SMS to one recipient or even more than a thousand with the click of a button.
Can I have more than one Alphanumeric ID?
You can have as many Alphanumeric sender IDs as you like. If you have more than one business and 'ACME' (as an example) is not enough, you log on to web-messaging and request to have more IDs with the only limitation being 11 characters as the maximum length. If you own the name or the trademark, then the choice is yours. Getting 'SuperMart', 'Super Mart', 'Tyres R us' or 'McGoodies' is just a click away.
What if I want replies to my mobile?
Alphanumeric IDs don't support replies because the recipient sees characters instead of numbers. So what if you want the recipient to respond to your mobile? - No problem! You can request to have your mobile as a sender ID so when you send a message the recipient will think that you have sent it from your own mobile phone!
Can SMS sent through the national networks support Alphanumeric IDs?
Unfortunately due to regulations that are in place for New Zealand networks the ability to customise the sender ID of a mobile is not currently possible. And even though these SMS have one of the highest possible delivery guarantees, we still offer them at a lower cost due to this restriction.
Does TraiTel have a gateway that we can integrate into our own software or application?
Yes we do. In fact, many of our clients are large companies that already have systems and applications in place which are capable of generating messages. For this, TraiTel offers a gateway that can easily integrate into most server based environments to handle all the deliveries of SMS and also give accurate feedback indicating successful or failed attempts. For more information on this service, please contact our sales or technical department or visit our developers page which contains documentation (APIs) and sample code.
Do you offer any other methods of sending SMS besides TTMessenger?
TTMessenger is our preferred method for sending SMS due to the high integration and features that it has built in. It has advanced logging features, phone book, name association and much more. However, in some cases when an alternative is the only option, we also offer 'email to SMS', 'web SMS' and all the other standard methods that are typically used for sending SMS - see our developers page for more information.
Also, you may look at our Personalised Broadcast page that allows you to send SMS to a group of people with details such as their name, specific appointments and much more.
These prices are very low - is there a minimum commitment?
When sending messages through the TraiTel network there is no minimum commitment or any type of monthly fees, you can send 1000 messages in a day or as little as 1 a month and the cost per SMS will stay the same.
Why does your competition offer their SMS at a higher cost?
Because their business offerings are based purely on SMS, if they didn't charge high enough fees to sustain their business, they would effectively not be able to continue operating. TraiTel is a full telecommunications company offering Fax, VoIP, IVR, VSMS and many other services.

You can send 1 SMS or 100,000 and you will have access to the following:
- With an Alphanumeric ID of your choice $0.11 per SMS (no replies)
- Have your own mobile number appear as the sender ID $0.11 per SMS (yes replies)
- Send an SMS by using a random mobile number $0.09 per SMS (no replies)
- Have 2-WAY conversations by using TTMessenger at a cost of $0.09 per SMS (yes replies)*
*A monthly fee of $10.86 applies to be able to have access to 2-WAY texting by using TTMessenger,
however a 30 day no-commitment free trial is provided by default to all our users. All prices in this page are exclusive of GST.
- For an immediate test of our SMS delivery system, please fill out the form below:
You can do 1 test with our national gateway (guaranteed delivery) and 1 with our international gateway (not guaranteed delivery) which allows you to customise the sender ID. Try them both and see the difference! BUT PLEASE make sure to read the rest of the information written above - it's important, as it answers most frequently asked questions!