Frequently Asked Questions

Does TTMessenger work with Mac?
Unfortunately TTMessenger does not work on Macs. It only works on computers that run MS Windows - the web messaging interface has been developed for MAC users.
We do have Mac customers load a windows emulator program and successfully run TTMessenger within that.
Where can I download TTMessenger?
TTMessenger can be downloaded freely from here.
Can I use TTMessenger on more than one computer AND/OR simultaneously?
You can indeed download TTMessenger and install it on any number of computers.
However, to ensure that you have a trouble free experience, you will need to enable "sub accounts" in your account. To do this, simply log into your account, click on "Settings" at the top, then "Sub-Accounts". Click where it says "To enable sub accounts, Click here". Once you enable sub accounts, your main account will become sub account 1, simply add more sub accounts to cater for the extra computers which you will be installing TTMessenger on.
For example, sub account 2 could be called "computer2" then "computer3" and so forth. What happens now, is that when you install TTMessenger and enter your main user name and password, you will have a new window pop up which asks you to select your "sub account" - at this point, please choose the correct sub account and then that's it.
Finally, after you have enabled sub accounts, you should go to the current installations of TTMessenger (if you have any) and also associate them to the correct sub account. Simply open up your current TTMessenger, go to "Options" then "Account Settings" and click OK. The sub account window will pop up and you can choose the appropriate sub account.
By setting up sub accounts, each TTMessenger has its own ID within the network which is important. There's no cost for setting up sub accounts.
I have been using TTMessenger for a while, but recently it has stopped working
Can you try restarting the computer?
Also after you restart the computer, if its still not working, then go to the "help" menu on TTMessenger and click on the "service status" sub menu. Check to see if the results come up OK or "unavailable". If unavailable is the result, then it could mean that you have something blocking TTMessenger, such as anti-virus, firewall or something similar. Try and turn some of those things off to see if that makes a difference.
Ask yourself, have I recently installed a new software package on my computer? Did an existing software package update itself? OR if you are in a business environment, check with your network administrator to see if they have done any changes to the network which may be affecting how TTMessenger is able to communicate with TraiTel's servers.
IF TTMessenger does not have a connection with TraiTel, then practically nothing in TTMessenger will work.
For some reason I have lost this programme off my computer how do I reactivate?
To continue using TraiTel, all you need to do is go to our web site and download TTMessenger again. Simply click here, then click on the download link, install it on your computer and re-start it when prompted to do so. In theory, TTMessenger should pick up the information from your previous installation and you will not need to enter your user name or password, however if that's not the case, then please enter your TraiTel user name when prompted and password which is case sensitive.
Replies to my SMS are not showing the contact name - even though the person is in my phone book.
You may want to check on your phone book to see how the mobile numbers are shown. If they are listed as 640228123123 and you are receiving replies as 64228123123 (without the zero) then you will need to also drop the zero from the phone book so that the matching is correctly done.
TTMessenger already cross-checks numbers against your phone book, the only reason it may not be working is if the number received is different in any way from the one stored in your phone book.
We need to be able to set up a number of Groups that we then put in the Contacts.
1.Yes, you are able to set up groups (phone books) and there's no limit on how many you can create.
2.There are no limits to the number of contacts you can put in a group/phone book.
I have developed an application for Driving School Management and would like to know if TTMessenger has an API that supports VB.NET as I would like to integrate an SMS messaging service with the application.
TTMessenger is a stand-alone software application that runs on Windows based computers, it does not provide an interface for messaging with outside applications (with the exception of Outlook which it interfaces to).
However, TraiTel, separately to TTMessenger, offers APIs which you can use to directly connect to our gateway and use any software you develop to send messages. Our APIs can be found on our developers page.
The result to your question is that you "can" use TraiTel to do exactly what you want, but its not TTMessenger that you need to use.
We would like to send text messages confirming appointments for medical centres New Zealand wide. We would be sending about 10-20 SMS per day. We require to keep a record of these text messages and have a reply function.
TraiTel is able to provide you with the tools to do exactly what you want. For more information, please refer to our SMS page.
Then create an account by clicking on the "sign up" button and finally (after the account is created) download our free software TTMessenger from here.
TTMessenger has log functions that will allow you to view previously sent and received SMS messages.
Tried to uninstall (because I couldn't get it to work) and now I'm stuck with messages popping up about unable to open when I never tried to open.
You will need to press CTRL+ALT+DELETE and your task manager will open. Then click on the "process" tab and sort by "image name". Find that file and click on "end process". You should then be able to go to the TTMessenger folder and delete the entire folder.
We are very surprised to hear that you could not get TTMessenger working properly on your computer. Perhaps re-installing it may help.
When I call somebody, I can hear the other person, but they can't hear me.
It sounds like you have a problem with your MIC or your head set. You will need to do some tests. Open TTMessenger and click on the "adjustment button" (above the phone key pad) and ensure that you see lights when you talk to the MIC whilst adjusting the volume. If you don't see any lights, green=>yellow=>red then your MIC is not working and you may need to plug it into another socket or change it.
Can you please inform me about where the phone book data is saved on the hard drive? I'm looking in program files but couldn't see where they may be? I'm just looking to copy several phone books to other computers.
All the personal data for TTMessenger is stored in "my documents" and the folder "ttmessenger2". Simply click on the appropriate user name and in there you will see the logs, phone books and more.
Before you "paste" the data into the new computer, exit TTMessenger by going to "options" followed by "phone settings" and exit TTMessenger. This way, after you have copied the data over, you can re-start TTMessenger and it will pick up all the data that you've moved over.
A while ago I tried to update the TraiTel messenger to new version. It caused the application to crash and now I can't open it or send txt or use it in any way.
The best way to fix the problem would be to "first" uninstall TTMessenger completely by going to "control panel" then "add remove software". Find TTMessenger and click on "uninstall/remove". Then re-boot your computer.
After re-booting, go to here and download the latest version. Install it and when the installation is finished please re-boot once again.
By completely getting rid of the old messy installation, you are setting up your computer to be able to do a new clean installation.
I have the members data on XLS file also Can this be done with your service?
TTMessenger has a built in import utility that will allow you to bring in all the numbers in your XLS file to its phone book. All you need to do prior to importation is to open the file in Excel and then save the file as a "CSV" file.
To save as a CSV, open Excel, go to "file", then "save as" and in the new window that opens (on the bottom middle) you will see a drop down where you can select the file type. Choose CSV (comma delimited) and your file will be ready to be imported into TTMessenger.
We like to prepare all SMS messages to be sent for the month at the start of the month - they are then sent automatically at the required date and time. I can not see any way that we can do this with TraiTel.
Well actually "you can" do that. Our freely downloadable software TTMessenger has a built in "scheduler" which allows you to prepare an SMS up to a year in advance and then automatically TraiTel will send the SMS when the exact time is due.
The above feature is free.
Can TTMessenger run on "terminal services" or "Citrix"? We've tried and failed, also our CPU usage is very high.
TTMessenger is not designed to run on a terminal server or citrix or any of these. It would perform poorly on any such setup. We have not physically *tested* this so I cannot give a definitive answer but:
The most important reason is that the PDF printer doesn't seem to work in that environment; but another reason is that the skin is custom-drawn using jpgs - this works well on a desktop pc but not so much on a terminal server (where multiple users are accessing from dumb-clients). At least I'm assuming this is his setup? It would require a lot more bandwidth and CPU usage than a normal process; at least for drawing...
It may be possible to run multiple TTMs on a terminal server as they would not ''see'' each other; but since the PDF printer, and subsequently, TTM itself aren't programmed to run in such an environment, there is most likely interference between each TTMessenger as well.
Again, we can't determine exactly what would cause the CPU usage but just the fact that TTM is not designed to run on terminal servers (or citrix or anything like that) should be enough.
Are we charged for faxes that do not go through, because looking at the fax log it says 138 recipients for example and that is the total faxes I sent out! Not the total that were successful.
Please note that the fax log from TTMessenger simply shows how many faxes you sent using TTMessenger itself, it does not give you an indication of how many succeeded or how many were actually charged for.
To get accurate details, simply log into your web account, go to "Reporting" then under "Fax" click on "Sent Log" and see all the faxes sent there.
Does TTMessenger work with Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8?
We have users using TTMessenger on these without any problems. We are aware of one issue however, and that is that our printer driver for sending faxes does not work with 64 bit versions. There may be other issues also, but as far as we know, it works well.
Please try it out and let us know if there are any issues that you would like to have resolved as a result of using TTMessenger on any of these.
***Windows Vista by default *normally* does not install the printer driver. BUT, if you do it manually it generally works. So, open up your C drive, go to "program files" then open "TTMessenger" folder and go into the folder called "spool". In there there's a file called "PrnInstaller.exe" which you need to double click to get it going. You will not notice anything happening, but its because that file runs under DOS not a Windows environment, however, it has probably done what it needed to do and your printer driver called "TTFaxer" should be installed in your printer list. If this didn't work, then your set up of Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 is not allowing TTMessenger to have the printer driver installed.
You can, however, still attach documents for faxing using the "Browse" button in the fax section of TTMessenger.
I downloaded the newest version and have noticed a few problems with it. When you attempt to view the SMS you can't view it unless you go into 'options' - 'view SMS log'. What a pain. Then when you need to reply to that SMS the message that has just come
Previously sent SMS can only be viewed in the logs as you described and its been like that in every previous version of TTMessenger. However, received SMS should be able to be seen on the right top window of TTMessenger when they come in. By clicking on the received SMS, the information will be shown on the bottom right window. To reply to a received SMS, all you need to do is click on the received number (again, top right window) and click on the reply button on the bottom right.
After hitting the reply button, you should be able to write the response on the bottom left window and click on the "send" button (bottom left) when you're done.
How do I backup all the logs and data contained in TTMessenger?
TTMessenger's backup-able data is contained in a folder called TTMessenger located in the "my documents" directory. If you copy or backup this folder, you will be able to restore all the data back should the phone book or something similar get lost due to unforseen circumstances.
I have two accounts active with TraiTel. Am I able to change profiles within the TTMessenger programme? How can I use both accounts?
To change profiles its a rather easy process. All you need to do is open TTMessenger, click on the "options" menu (top left) then go to "account settings" and in there enter the appropriate user name and password pertaining to the profile you wish to use. Then click OK and those account details will be reflected on TTMessenger including the available credit on that particular account.
Can TTMessenger do video calls?
TTMessenger "does" actually include video options - have you got a web cam installed? - TTMessenger will pick up the web cam and then you have to click on the "record" button to activate your video. IF the person on the other end clicks on play they will see your image and likewise they can do the same so that you see them.
In the past couple of weeks we have been unable to access our downloaded programme. The message at the bottom of the screen reads
Before reinstalling TTMessenger, please check the following:
- Open TTMessenger and go to "Options", "Account Settings" and select the "Information" tab. Check if your details are in there. If not, select the "Account" tab and put in your username and password again.
- Next check out "Help" and "Service Status". Everything in there should say Online, Ok and Open. Your Ping Time should be as low as possible at around 40msec ideally.
If you are still not logged in, uninstall the current TTMessenger from your computer and reinstall it again.
2. How can I transfer my "Contacts" information to the send function? Can I transfer this in one go or do I have to nominate each number individually?
To transfer your contact information from your phone book to either the SMS section, phone section or VSMS section, simply click on the section you want to use first (such as SMS) , then open the "phone book" by clicking on "contacts", then select the phone book that you want to use on the left and finally click on the contacts menu and "select all". All the entries will go blue and then if you click OK, the entries will be placed on your SMS section.
What ports does TTMessenger need open to work on a restricted network?
If you are operating a network where traffic is restricted, the following port information will be helpful in setting up TTMessenger on machines within your firewall(s).
10821 TCP & UDP
10880 - 10890 TCP & UDP
[ this range may be increased if necessary for load balancing]
20000 UDP
80 TCP
10800 - 10822 TCP & UDP
3700- 4600 TCP & UDP
13000 TCP & UDP
Is there a manual for TTMessenger?
Yes! Manuals for TraiTel products can be found here.
How do I restart TTMessenger?
If you click on "File", "Exit" or the red button, TTMessenger will be minimised but still running in the background.
To shut down TTMessenger, select "Options", "Phone Settings" then "Exit TTMessenger". Obviously once TTMessenger is shut down you will not be able to receive calls or messages until it is restarted.
I'm running Windows 7. TTMessenger has disappeared and I can't get it back on my desktop.
If TTMessenger is shut down and restarted, Windows 7 sometimes places it in thehidden iconsbox. On the right-hand side of the taskbar is a small white triangle - hover your mouse over it and it will sayShow hidden icons. Click on this and you should see the TraiTel golden pyramid in the box - double click on this to restore TTMessenger to your desktop.

Can I use my fax number for receiving voice calls as well as faxes?
You can receive "voice mail messages" to your fax number but you're not able to receive "live" calls and answer them with your TTMessenger or hardware device (SIP etc). If you want to enable the voice mail functionality on your fax number, just log into your web account, go to "Settings" then "Greeting and Voicemail".
Is it possible to send a fax by email without using TTMessenger?
Yes, you are able to send a fax without using TTMessenger, simply by using your normal email client or web based email such as gmail.
All you have to do is, in the TO: section where you normally put an email address, just put 64=New Zealand, 9=Auckland (in this example), 1234567=the fax number and is our faxing domain name.
Then all you need to do is attach to the email the document(s) that you want faxed and click on send!
Please be aware that if there's any information in the body of the email - that it will be sent as a cover page, so if you don't want a generic cover page make sure to delete any signatures or disclaimers that are in your email's body. BUT, if you do want a cover page which can be very useful for adding quick notes to recipient, enter anything you want on the body of the email. We always advise you to test with yourself before sending to somebody else.
Do you recommend using TTMessenger?
Of course we do! The first thing TTMessenger ever did was fax and its currently used by thousands of our clients who do faxing every day. TTMessenger installs a printer driver on your computer which can be used to convert ANY printable document into a faxable format. This is by far the best and least complicated option for sending faxes via TraiTel.
How do I send a fax via the e-mail function to an 0800 or 0508 number?
First, read the FAQ titled "Is it possible to send a fax by email without using TTMessenger?"
Use the format Drop the leading zero and add the country code for New Zealand (64).
I have been trying to send faxes, but can't preview my attachment.
In order to preview attachments in TTMessenger, you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 5 or higher), or Adobe Acrobat installed on your system. Internet Explorer must also be properly configured to open and display PDF files using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
If Adobe Acrobat Reader and Internet Explorer are both installed, and you can normally view PDFs from within Internet Explorer, there may be a problem with your TTMessenger installation.
First, try to restart your computer. In some cases, this has resolved the issue.
If you still cannot preview faxes, TTMessenger may be having problems accessing certain folders on your computer, such as your My Documents folder. In this case, we will need further details, such as the version of Windows, Adobe Acrobat, and TTMessenger that you are running, as well as the location (full path) to your 'My Documents' folder.
Can I send a fax or do a broadcast without having a fax number?
To be able to send faxes you must also be subscribed to the fax service, which allows you to receive faxes (if you want).
How do I figure out how many faxes went out successfully for each campaign that I send out for each day?
If you send one campaign a day then all you need to do is go to "Reporting" then "Sent Log" and create a report based on that day. For example if you send a fax on the 17th of December 2011, just do a report from the 17th to the 17th of December 2011 and you will be given all the faxes sent on that day.
I need to know the procedure to amend our header address on our faxes.
Simply log into your TraiTel web account, go to "Fax" then click on "Customise Fax Header". Change it and click on save.
When a person calls the fax number, they hear a voice greeting? How do I turn this off?
Either you or somebody in your organisation must have enabled the "greeting service" on your fax number which acts as an answering machine when the person calls it. Similar to other dual purpose fax machines, which allow the caller to select either to leave a voice message or to send a fax.
To disable this service, please log into your TraiTel web account, select "Settings" then "Greeting and Voicemail" then disable it.
What does a General error or Unspecified error in the logs mean?
General error is exactly what it means - something failed during the transmission or communication of the fax server and fax machine. Since its not defined and there was an error, it gets reported as "general error".
Unspecified error is very similar to the above, but when the error occurred there was no reporting generated by either the fax server or fax machine. For example, if the receiving fax machine lost its power during transmission - that should cause an unspecified error, since the completion of the message could not finish and it was not able to send a reason why either (since the electricity was cut).
I would like to sign up for your e-fax solution. Can I have the number 04 472****?
You are welcome to sign up to our e-faxing solution, however, unfortunately we are not able to provide you with custom numbers. However we can port numbers that you have with other carriers or we can provide you with a new number that has a Wellington prefix (04) as the closest thing to what you currently have.
Is it possible to get a 0800 number to receive faxes through TraiTel?
Yes, indeed. You can get a 0800 number and point it to any number that is provided to you by TraiTel. That way all faxes will be received as a PDF or TIFF to your designated email address.
Do you offer business accounts; i.e. being able to manage payment for multiple post pay accounts? We are looking at using 3-4 numbers with perhaps up to 40 faxes per week per number.
Yes, TraiTel does offer the type of account you require for services such as "fax receiving and phone receiving". Both of these services are post-paid and you simply need to create an account with TraiTel, so that you receive the first month of service free (for the first number) and then you will be invoiced which you need to pay 7 days after. In total, you will get at least 30+ days before you receive your first invoice.
40 faxes per week per number is absolutely fine.
I'm a fax broadcaster, please explain why some of the faxes cost more than $0.13 as this was the price I was quoted.
The pricing applicable to fax broadcasters can be found on our fax broadcasting page.
TraiTel allows up to 75 seconds transmission time for the 1 page rate, then up to 150 seconds for the two page rate and anything above that is considered a 3 page+. The industry standard for a 1 page transmission time is 45 to 60 seconds, TraiTel provides extra as a buffer.
So if a fax is taking longer than 150 seconds to transmit, the cost will be $0.16 which is the highest break applicable.
I've tried using the web based fax service with a Macintosh but have not been able to send a whole fax. Each time only part of the fax is transmitted. Could you perhaps send the fax on our behalf?
Note that TraiTel is not a marketing company and does not engage or carry out tasks on behalf of the customer. This is why all the necessary tools are provided for customers to start and complete the jobs on their own.
Its surprising that you're having difficulties with your Mac because the online utility was specifically created for Mac users and we have many individuals making full use of it without any problems.
The problem you're experiencing is unlikely to be related to the online utility but more related to the receiving fax machine that you're experiencing a problem with. If that fax machine is very old or located in a rural area, then there could be problems related to communication between our fax servers and that fax machine.
You should try to another number and you will see that the fax will go out as you expect.
Wanting to advertise via fax a course we are running for other physiotherapists. We have an excel list of fax numbers and usually use a company to send them but interested in your product/service.
To send a fax broadcast with TraiTel is very simple and quick process. All you need to do is create an account online (which should take 5 minutes), then download our freely available software TTMessenger.
Once you have downloaded and installed TTMessenger, you will be able to enter / import all your fax numbers into the software's phone book. Now you have to create the fax which you want to send using Word or any other application installed on your PC, then go to "file" followed by "print" and choose "TTFaxer" as the printer and click OK. TTMessenger will capture the document and convert it into a faxable format, you then quickly select all the fax numbers in the phone book (which you previously entered or imported) and click on "send fax" - that's it.
All your faxes will start to be delivered within minutes by TraiTel's national faxing network.
I would like to send a fax broadcast with a Macintosh.
All you need to do is log into your TraiTel web account, go to "Fax" (at the top), then "Send Fax". A new page will load - tick "Enable Merge Fax" and a window will open where you can upload a CSV file (comma separated/delimited file) containing all your fax numbers and a xml document which contains the message you want to have faxed.
Alternatively, if you want you can send the same message to all recipients. Please make sure that prior to sending the broadcast, you test with yourself to ensure that you're doing everything right.
When you say the cost of a complete fax is 0.18c in New Zealand does that mean for any number of pages? Can you transfer an XXXX number? Can you transfer XXXX numbers? Can we have a system where we can switch calls through to another location?
Indeed the cost to send a fax to anywhere in New Zealand or Australia regardless of the number of pages is only $0.18 +GST per fax.
TraiTel is able to port fax numbers from other providers, select "Services" then "Port Number to TraiTel". The porting request form is found there.
Trying to send a fax, but I get: You must subscribe to the Faxing service in order to use this facility?!
Yes, you will need to subscribe to the fax facility by going to "Fax" then "Subscribe to Fax Numbers" and click there to request a new fax number.
After you are subscribed to the fax service, you will be able to send your broadcast. When you signed up you must have not ticked that you wanted the fax service and as a result, the system didn't assign you a number which is part of getting the fax service going.
Can I send an email to from the email address I'm writing to you from now and it can be up to 10 pages long and it will only cost me 18c if its within New Zealand. And I can register as many email addresses to send faxes this
Yes, if you send a fax in the way you've shown, the fax will only cost you 18c +GST regardless of how many pages are sent. You can register as many email addresses as you see fit.
There are currently about 7 computers and email addresses in our office, can all of them send faxes from their respective email addresses & use this service without any extra costs?
There are many different ways of sending a fax with TraiTel, but one of them is indeed via email. To send a fax via email, you simply create a new email, and instead of placing an email address in the TO: field, you put a fax number in the following format: - where 64=New Zealand, 9=the area code and 3321111=the fax number followed by TraiTel's faxing domain.
Then you simply attach a document, give it a subject and click on send. Anybody in your organisation is able to send faxes this way. All you need to do is add their email address "as an allowed" sender of faxes in your web account (once you create the account with TraiTel). You can have unlimited users sending faxes via your account at no extra cost.
We would like to control the fax sending times of our broadcasts.
Not a problem, you can do this very easily through TraiTel.
All you need to do is log into your account, click on "Fax" then "Fax Daytime Restriction". There you will see a section that allows you to define between what start time and what end time you want your fax broadcasts to go out. You can also specify if the rules should apply over a certain amount of faxes that might still be pending in the system.
We have created a second fax number, but it has the words 'Will remain active for 27 days'. Does this mean we will lose this fax number after 27 days because we did not do something correctly?
Your fax number shows that time-frame as the minimum time that the number must remain active. Its letting you know that even if you delete the number, the service will remain active for the amount of days shown and you (the customer) will be responsible for the fees due for the minimum of 1 month.
You don't need to worry about anything in this case. The number will remain active until you click on "Unsubscribe".
I am using hotmail premium which is a paid service. I used to get all the faxes without miss. But not anymore. Is there anything in the settings that has been changed?
Nothing has changed at our end and you *should* in theory be still able to view them on your Hotmail account.
Alternatively what you could do if you are not receiving faxes, is to log into your TraiTel account, then click on the "settings" button (top right) and then scroll to the bottom of the page until you see your current email address. Below the email is a box which you can tick and that option allows you to "store messages locally". Meaning that for every fax that comes in, not only it is sent to your Hotmail account but also it is kept in your TraiTel account so that you can log in, go to "view folders" and then "inbox" and there you will see the fax also.
Its a good safety mechanism, but be aware that there's only 5000KB of storage which is not much if you don't delete old faxes. Regardless of the limit being reached, all faxes will continue to be sent to your Hotmail account or whatever email address you have registered as the main one.
We are looking to get another Sydney no. that we can attach to a separate email address, and an Auckland number to attach to another separate email address. Can you please advise if this is possible, the cost and if we can do on the same account?
To request a new Sydney or Auckland number, all you need to do is log into your account and go to "Fax" followed by "Subscribe to Fax Numbers" and then click on request a new fax number, it is an automated process that will provide you instantly with a new number. The cost is the same for either number regardless of whether it is in NZ or Australia.
I'd like to sign up for the fax solution.
To sign up with TraiTel is a very quick and easy process. All you need to do is click on "Create Account" on the top right-hand side of this page. Then enter all your details and tick the "fax service" at the bottom of the page. After submitting the form you will be sent a confirmation email and you will need to click on the link to activate your account.
As soon as you confirm your email address by clicking on the link, you will receive a welcome email which will contain your new fax number. You can receive faxes to that number immediately.
Billing for the fax "receive" service which includes a free 30 day period, is done in arrears and normally paid by credit card. Meaning that after the 30 days of use, you will receive an invoice on the 1st of the following month, which will include the service fee for faxing. You will then be able to pay for the bill by adding a credit card to your account.
Should you wish to "send" faxes however, you will need to add money into your account prior to being able to send any. The free 30 days includes unlimited "receive" of faxes but not sending.
I notice you advertise no engage signal on your site, does this refer to incoming faxes also (fax to email)? What I need to know is how many simultaneous incoming faxes can we receive with the number you provided us?
Our faxing network has 1000 fax lines that cater to inbound and outbound traffic. Generally speaking, if a normal sized broadcast is occurring for outbound faxes, more than 100 lines are reserved for inbound traffic. However, please note that these lines are shared amongst all of TraiTel's clients, therefore during some peak times the availability will be lower.
TraiTel strives for always "available" capacity, although this is generally the norm - its not always guaranteed. BUT, we have not had any customers complain of inbound traffic problems, a clear indication that everything is working as expected.
We received a large number of fax failures on Monday as attached. No other users have reported any problems and there haven't been any reported problems since.
Without looking too far into TraiTel's system, we noticed that all the attachments that you sent us were failure reports from TraiTel that indicated the result "Destination busy". Additionally, what is also common in those reports is that there were several faxes sent to the same fax numbers, which of course, would result in "destination busy" result because the receiving fax machine is already busy taking one fax.
If you open some of those attachments that match in destination number and look at the time of the failure, you will notice that the time only differs by a few seconds, suggesting that multiple faxes were sent to the "same number" at almost the same time.
TraiTel's faxing gateway has over 1000 lines of faxes, therefore if your system tries to send 5 different faxes to the same number and sends them to TraiTel with just a few seconds apart, TraiTel will send them as soon as they are received. Of course, since the first fax received by TraiTel is already being transmitted, then the second, third, fourth and fifth faxes will return a destination busy response.
Is it possible that on that day your SAP or email system was experiencing some delays and as a result TraiTel received all fax send requests at the same time?
All the fax reports indicate a "destination busy" response, meaning that receiving fax machines were busy receiving another fax during the attempted transmission time.
Our company network seems to have too many restrictions which interfere with TTMessenger.
If you are using TraiTel for sending faxes, you may want to have a look at TraiTel's alternative methods for sending faxes which can be found on our developers page. Our Fax via SMTP API (fax via email) is a popular method used by customers that can not use TTMessenger on their network.
A broadcast I'm sending keeps bouncing back, its a Word document with some merged data - what's wrong?
Documents submitted for faxing that are not created by TTMessenger, must be able to be opened by the application that created the document without any prompts of any kind. If you are prompted to press OK or Cancel (a manual request) when opening this document to be able to view it, our systems (which are automated) will automatically disregard the document and return it with this error.
The merged data in your document is looking for a remote source where the data is located, since our servers don't have access to your C: drive, the document fails.
Have received two faxes from XXXRoads. An original and a repeat. Both only show the cover sheet. Am using Outlook Express. Do you have any explanation for this behaviour, and fixes?
The reason you're only able to see the first page is because you're using the wrong image viewer. You should try to save the attachment to your hard drive and then try to open the attachment from your hard drive and use different image viewers to open it.
Microsoft office has a very good image viewer. If you're using a recent version of Microsoft office, you could try and see if the viewer is in your computer by going to the "Start" menu, followed by "all programs" then "Microsoft office" and finally "Microsoft tools". The program is called Microsoft office document viewer. Almost every computer has a viewer that can properly display the faxes you receive from TraiTel. Unfortunately, when you install new programs in your computer, the program may associate to the "TIFF" file type and then only display the first page because it can't properly display a multi page document.
Ultimately, you could log into your TraiTel account, go to "Developers", ""Fax via Email Settings" then "File Format and Compression" and then select to receive "PDF" faxes instead of "TIFF". This way, any recent PDF viewer will be able to correctly display the fax to you.
How do I know what fax number I have with TraiTel? Also, how do I view the received fax?
To view your fax number, please log into your account by entering your user name and password in the fields at the top of this page. Then go to "Services" at the top then "Manage all services", in there you will see your fax number.
Should a person send you a fax to that number, you will receive an attachment (either TIFF or PDF) to your default email address and the attachment will include the fax itself. You will then be able to print, save or forward that fax to somebody else if needed.
We have a service through you and I have been getting a number of faxes bouncing back with errors.
The faxes that you're sending are "very" large and as a result take a very long time to send (I've seen some of your faxes take 40 minutes to complete). Faxes talk to each other by sound and just like when a person speaks over the phone, the other party can sometimes not hear properly what is being said. Because your fax transmissions are so long, you are increasing the chances that at some point during the fax conversation that an error or line quality problem occurs which will make the fax transmission useless as far as both fax machines are concerned.
If the telephone network was perfect, then this problem would not be happening, but since the telephone network is not and telecommunications companies share cabling, connections and network resources that are often less than perfect, then conversation problems can occur between two fax devices.
TraiTel does not impose any restrictions on either incoming or outbound transmissions, however, the telephone network as explained above does have its limitations and maybe during long transmissions these are being exceeded.
If you try and send a 40 or 50 page fax with your normal fax machine, it is likely that you will get the same results. You *may* want to try and send a 50 page fax in two separate 25 page lots as this will increase your chances of success by lowering the amount of failures.
How do I send a fax to an 0800 or 0508 number?
To send a fax to an 0800 or 0508 number, all you need to do is drop the leading zero and put the country code in front - so it would look like this: 64800xxxxxx or 64508xxxxxx etc etc.
When we send a fax to the number 938 XXXX It take more then half hour for it to show in the email box. Why?
With TraiTel as soon as our servers receive a fax, it will deliver it to the destination email address. The only delay that may be occurring is in the way that email gets handled at your email server's end. If there's a problem in delivering the email then there may also be delays, but our email server will continue to try and deliver it for up to 48hrs later.

What sort of setup costs are there?
There are no setup costs, no minimum terms or contracts. You can just create an account online and within minutes be ready to start sending SMS. The account is prepaid however, so you will need to add funds via credit card prior to being able to send SMS. The first 30 days of use entitles you to a free trial of the "receive" service.
I have the "reply to TTMessenger" feature. I can list the replies I have received but how do I read the text of the SMS replies from the website?
Simply log in to your account and select "Email" then "Enable SMS Inbox/Outbox". Follow the instructions there. Please note, only messages received while the facility is enabled will be viewable.
What APIs does TraiTel support?
Command line (DOS tool)
More custom APIs are available. See the developers page for more on our APIs.
What is the number I can use to receive SMS on my TraiTel account?
To be able to receive SMS you must first send an SMS to the person you want to get a reply from. Once you send this person an SMS, they will then be able to reply at any time because the number they get will remain associated to your account. For this to work, you must use the option "replies to TTMessenger / API".
I have tried sending 2 sms individually and I was charged differently, 1st time 12.65 cents 2nd time 10.35 cents . Why?
There are two price options for SMS messaging within New Zealand. When you send an SMS, you are presented with options for the 'Sender ID'. If you select 'No Replies: Random ID', or 'Replies to TTMessenger', your SMS message will cost 9 cents + GST.
If, however, you select any other Sender-ID, such as your TraiTel username, or a custom sender ID you may have added to your account (such as your company name), you will be charged 11 cents + GST.
How do I change the name that gets displayed when I send an sms?
To request more sender IDs (changing the name that displays on the receivers mobile) you will need to log into your web account and then go to 'SMS Services' followed by 'Manage SMS Sender IDs'. You will see that there's a section where you can request a new 'custom sender ID'.
For every new ID that you request (maximum 11 characters in length) there's a one off $1 (+GST) charge. After you request the ID and it's approved by customer service, your ID will show up and able to be used.
Is it possible to send an SMS by email without using TTMessenger?
Yes, you are able to send an SMS without using TTMessenger, simply by using your normal email client or web based email such as gmail.
All you have to do is, in the TO: section where you normally put an email address, just put 64=New Zealand, 228123123=The mobile number without the zero in the front and is our SMS domain name.
Then all you need to do is type the message in the body of the email and send it! Make sure you don't have a signature or a disclaimer because anything found on the body OR the subject of the email will be sent as an SMS.
The alternative to ensure you only send the content you want and nothing else is by using the command "begin_sms" and "end_sms". For example:
Hello Greg,
I just wanted to say hi and ask you how the dog is doing,
is he eating better today? - my poor baby
he is so beautiful...
In the example above, the only thing sent as an SMS would be "is he eating better today? - my poor baby" and everything else would be ignored.
What does the 30 day trial cover?
The 30 day trial which TraiTel provides for free, is only for "receiving" SMS replies. The replies are to SMS which you originally sent via TraiTel using the "replies to TTMessenger" or "replies to API" options. When using TTMessenger to send SMS, this option is easily available. If you are using an API or something similar, please log into your account, go to "SMS" followed by "Manage SMS Sender IDs" and select the appropriate sender ID before sending out the SMS.
The 30 day trial does not cover the sending of SMS. Look out for special offers if you wish to send some test SMS.
Please clarify the monthly fee and the cost for one way sms.
The cost for one way SMS is either $0.11 or $0.09 +GST per message and no monthly fees, start up costs, contracts or commitments.
Which SMS gateway am I actually using?
To check what gateway you're actually using, please log into your TraiTel account, then click on "SMS" (at the top) then on "Manage SMS Sender IDs".
If you have selected "replies to TTMessenger" or "no replies Random ID" then your SMS are being sent via our national gateway. Anything else selected is going via our international gateway.
Is there a monthly fee or initial setup fee involved to send SMS?
There are no set up fees with TraiTel, no contracts or minimum commitments. You simply add funds to your account and send SMS for as long or as little as you like.
Can I send SMS to premium numbers?
Unfortunately TraiTel does not allow SMS to be sent to premium numbers, only to normal mobile numbers.
I would like to be able to get a large number of text messages sent to a specified number - is this possible?
Yes, TraiTel is able to cater for your requirements. The cost of a dedicated inbound number is $55+GST per month and you can receive as many SMS as you like without any additional costs.
I'm looking for an SMS Auto Reply solution. I need that my customers send a SMS to a number and they get a SMS auto reply.
To receive SMS and then for you to programmatically be able to send them a response, you will need to get a dedicated inbound number from TraiTel at a cost of $55+GST per month.
If the SMS auto reply is generic (as in it doesn't change regardless of the information of the inbound SMS) then yes, TraiTel can offer you that solution, but if not, I'm sure that with Outlook or with your own programme you could set up rules that say: "reply saying this, when the message that comes in has this information". You will need to be very very tech savvy to be able to achieve this yourself. Alternatively, simply get a programmer to do what you need OR TraiTel can charge you a fee for this development work.
The choice is yours, but to answer your question - yes, TraiTel is able to assist you.
Could you provide me with a complete description of how two way messaging works at TraiTel using SMPP?
To receive replies via SMPP, please check the following:
1 - in your web-messaging account (log in at the top of this page) - under 'SMS', 'Manage SMS Sender IDs', select "Replies to TTMessenger / API" as the default Sender ID for SMS messages. This is the only option that will return replies via SMPP.
2 - make sure your SMPP client is configured to act as a Transceiver; that is, an SMPP client that can send and receive at the same time. If that is not an option, you can establish two SMPP connections to TraiTel - one as a transmitter and one as a receiver. However, we recommend the first option.
3 - You are replying to the message from the same mobile / handset that originally received the text message.
For every SMS that is sent, TraiTel assigns a unique mobile number that can be replied to at any time. By providing a unique ID for every recipient of an SMS, TraiTel knows how to route that back to the original sender.
Message batch identifier: This is a feature available in the HTTP API. Please read the HTTP_API documentation for details which can be found by going to our developers page. Using the HTTP 'Batch mode' - you may specify a Job ID as well as individual IDs for each SMS - you may then use that job ID in further queries to the HTTP API to see the progress of your broadcast.
We're just wondering if you do get a SMS number for our client to SMS us once we register?
Our standard two-way SMS service does not include a "dedicated" mobile number, we simply assign a new number to every person you send an SMS to and maintain that association so that the person is always able to reply to your computer using that number. The cost for our standard service is $10.86+ GST per month for unlimited replies.
If you would like to have your own dedicated number for receiving replies, then the cost will be $55+GST per month. We can allocate you a nice number so that its easy to remember and you are able to also receive unlimited replies at no extra cost. The number would look like a normal mobile number.
We would like to receive SMS replies - our trial period has ended, how do we permanently subscribe?
To subscribe to the "SMS replies" service, you will need to log into your TraiTel web account, go to "SMS" (at the top) then "Subscribe to SMS Reply" and on the page that loads, you will see SMS service and simply enable it by clicking on "Click here" if you're not currently subscribed.
Does your SMS gateway offer replies to email?
The answer to your question is yes indeed. After you create your account online, simply send us an email requesting to have the "SMS reply to email" service enabled and somebody at customer service will activate the service immediately.
I'm looking for some add-in software for Outlook to use as a marketing tool from Outlook contacts. I want to be able to select a number of contacts in Outlook, and perform a mail-merge to SMS. Is this possible?
TraiTel does have a plug in for Outlook that allows users to send either single or broadcast SMS. It works in conjunction with Outlook Contacts. The broadcast function is able to extract information from both contacts and the appointment calendar and templates can be created to merge the information in customised SMS.
An alternative is our "custom SMS broadcast" utility. This utility will allow you to create a CSV file in Excel with all your contact details and then send to all the numbers and recipients very quickly. Once you prepare your CSV file and as long as your contacts don't change often, you will be able to send a large broadcast within a matter of minutes.
This utility can be found by logging into your TraiTel web account, and then going to "SMS" then "Send SMS". The instructions on how to create the CSV and the content is written on the page, please test with yourself and some colleagues first to make sure that you entered all the data correctly.
How do I send an SMS to a mobile using my computer instead of my phone?
When using TTMessenger, please click on the "SMS" button located at the top, then enter a mobile number where it says "Number" and finally enter the message you wish to send on the bottom left box, right under where it says "not scheduled, send immediately".
Now press the send button located under that box and your message will be sent.
We are interested in using 2-way SMS via your gateway but I could find little or no information on your web site. Is this currently available?
The majority of TraiTel's SMS information can be found on our SMS page.
But in short, the cost for the two-way service is $10.86 +GST per month for unlimited replies. If you log into your TraiTel web account, go to "SMS" then "Manage SMS Sender IDs" and make sure that "replies to TTMessenger/API" is selected as this choice is the best one for receiving replies. Then simply send an SMS to your mobile and when you reply the response will be sent back to you IF you either have TTMessenger installed OR if you use any of our APIs which can be found on our developers page on our website.
Why is it in the message statistics window the messages I sent are showing the status UNAVAILABLE?
The status is always shown as "unavailable" for most SMS types that you can send. The only exception is when you choose one of the SMS options with "tracking" which are more expensive. See on TTMessenger where you can choose "replies to: or no replies:" drop down, and you will see in there "Replies + Tracking $0.26" If you choose that option, then TraiTel will provide you with a status on the delivery of the SMS. However, the 9c gateway is still the best one we recommend.
How do I add my own mobile number to the system so that I can send and receive using TraiTel as if it was from me?
To add the mobile number to your account, you will need to log into your TraiTel web account, go to "SMS" and then click on "Manage SMS Sender IDs" and lastly enter the new mobile in the "mobile" sender ID section. Please read the instructions written carefully to ensure that you add the number correctly.
After your number has been approved, it will appear in the drop down on the "replies forwarding" section.
I've sent a few SMS via TTMessenger but none of them have been received.
When you go into TTMessenger's phone book, please ensure that the number has 64 in front of it to indicate that the mobile is a NZ mobile. TraiTel sends SMS to anywhere in the world and the country code is very important.
If the country code is not there, then please edit the entry and select New Zealand as the country.
We have a couple of different people using the account is it possible to change so that replies go to the individual and not to all - or will we have to set up individual accounts?
To receive individual replies, you simply need to log in to your main account and select "Settings" at the top then "Sub-Accounts". Enable sub accounts and give each user of TraiTel an individual sub account.
Then, if you are using TTMessenger to send and receive your SMS, go to "options" then "account settings" and click on ok, you will now be asked to choose the appropriate sub account for that user and all SMS replies will come to the person that originally sent the SMS.
IF you are not using TTMessenger, then simply creating a sub account with the correct email address, will ensure that replies are sent back to the correct person.
Just curious, would the dedicated number be a vanity number, or would it simply be a normal mobile number?
It will be a normal mobile number, however, if you wish to receive a "gold" number which is easier to remember, the one off cost is between $100-$300 depending on how good it is.
What is the $11.95 charge showing on my credit card for?
The $11.95 is a flat monthly rate for receiving unlimited replies to your computer. If you are only sending SMS and do not want to receive replies, then you do not need to subscribe to the SMS receive service. To cancel the receive service, simply log into your account, go to "Services" (at the top) then "Manage all services", go to "SMS Receive" and click on "unsubscribe".
After the SMS demo ends, do you start charging us right away?
After the demo period ends, the system automatically turns off and you will need to manually turn it on. At the point that you manually turn it on, the system will automatically start charging your credit card the month following.
How do you pay for sending SMS?
SMS are paid in advance using a credit card. You simply add money to your TraiTel account and then use it any way you want. TraiTel provides SMS, VoIP, Fax and many more services which can be used when you have credit in your account. If you only want to send SMS, then you send until the credit runs out. There's no minimum and the credit never expires - it will stay in your account until you use it or close the account.
I was just wondering if my SMS receive number is always the same. Can I give it out to people and know that they will be able to reliably contact me on it?
If you've sent an SMS to your mobile, the number you see from TraiTel on your mobile is not the same number that another person you send an SMS to will see. TraiTel assigns random numbers to individuals so that they can respond and be routed back properly to yourself.
Every time a person receives an SMS from you, they will receive the same number, therefore they could save that number on their phone's contact list and reply to you anytime they wish. BUT, every person will receive a different number and if somebody who you never sent an SMS to, tries to send you an SMS from a number that TraiTel assigned you - the SMS will not be sent back to you.
How do we: manage/control the account. - check the credit ? make payments ? control the number of SMSs allow per day/week/month ? we would probably want to start with a limited number of SMS per period in order to check the response of our customers.
You control and view the entire status of your account via our web interface which you will see once you create an account. There's no control mechanism in place to set the number of SMS that can be sent daily, weekly or monthly. You can add funds into your account by using credit card. Funds need to be added in advance to be able to send SMS. Your funds will never expire.
Can the mobile numbers have spaces in them?
No. However, if you would like to get rid of any spaces, excel can do that very easily. Simply highlight the entire column which contains the numbers, then go to "Find & Select", followed by "Replace" and in the section where it says "Find what" put a single space and in the section where it says "Replace with" put nothing. Excel should replace all spaces with nothing.
I just upgraded my TTMessenger to version 4 and when I wrote a message that took up
Please go to "options" on TTMessenger then "SMS settings" and choose "concatenate messages". You will then receive a long message as one.
I find that your international gateway is not as reliable as your local one - why?
Our 11c gateway which allows you to send SMS with a custom sender ID is not the most reliable of gateways. To send an SMS with a custom sender ID, we need to send the SMS overseas and then bring it back into the country - this is the only way to get around restrictions and obstacles put in place by local telcos that stop SMS with a custom sender ID from being delivered.
The reason they don't like to deliver SMS with a custom sender ID is because the recipients of the SMS can not respond to the SMS, therefore not giving the telco an opportunity to make revenue from their own customer - the only way that telcos make revenue. In many instances, they block delivery for a few hours. You will get the same unreliable results from any other provider that offers the ability to send custom sender IDs.
If you want a very high delivery gateway, then you will need to change to our 9c gateway which does not allow you to send a custom sender ID, but it allows for replies and has the highest possible delivery rate.
If you choose the option "replies to TTMessenger $0.09" then our gateway will always assign the same number to each customer that you send an SMS to. Therefore they could add that number to their mobiles phone book and see XXXX every time they receive an SMS from you.
When I send an SMS via email, all the signature and anything else is sent as multiple SMS.
If you would like to avoid disclaimers, signatures etc, you will need to use the following command:
Hello every one, this is a test SMS to see how well this service works, etc etc
What would happen is that only the information between "begin_sms" and "end_sms" would send. "Regards, Rene" would not because its outside of those two commands.
ALTERNATIVELY, you can log into your web account, go to "Developers" and then click on "SMS via Email Settings". In the window there is a section titled "SMTP Limit" which allows you to define how many SMS should be sent when an email has a lot of information in it. Basically, if you put 1 in there and there's 1000s of characters (one SMS is 160 characters) only the first 160 of the message will be chosen - every time even if you use the "begin_sms" and "end_sms" command.
Can we use an Email address to send SMS, or do we need one of your TT-products to convert to phone call?
You don't need to use TTMessenger to send SMS. Anybody with an email address can send an SMS as long as the registered account has the email address listed in the account.
To give permission for someone to send via your account, all you need to do is log into the account, go to "Settings" then "SMS via Email Settings" and enter the email address. By doing so, you are letting people SMS by using their own email address.
After you have set up the email address in your main account, you should carry out the following steps:
1) Open a new email as if you were to send a normal email
2) in the TO field, enter - the representation of this number is 64 (for NZ), 228123123 (for the mobile number) and being the domain name for TraiTel's SMS via email service. Simply replace 228123123 with your own mobile number.
3) Enter "Test, how are you" (or anything you want) in the main body of the email (where you normally write an email).
4) Delete any signatures or disclaimers or any information in your email that should not be sent as an SMS. ANYTHING, in your email that is in the body will be sent as an SMS.
5) Send the email and within seconds you should receive it on your mobile. Its VERY quick and easy.
I noticed that we can have a subid setup on the account but am not entirely sure if this is what we should use for our customers. We would like to sell the sms facility at best possible cost. We don't need a two way sms facility. Does the monthly invoice itemise usage of subid accounts?
Sub IDs is certainly the way to do what you want to. Unfortunately, the invoice does not list charges based on sub account, the invoice shows the total amount of the charges. However, when you log into your account and go to "Reporting" and click on "Sub-Account Usage", you are then able to view the total amount of money spent per sub account. So in February you could log into your account and view the exact charges per sub account for all messages that were sent in January for example.
As you say, to maximize control and revenue, the best way to do it is to have customers sign up with you directly.
The usage of txt messages is for our clients to send out appointment confirmations to their customers directly from our software. Then the reply messages will be sending back to our clients and each message replied will be showed on each appointment. We not only need to know which message is for which client but also need to know which message is for which appointment. Is it possible that we use the 'subid' instead of the 'messid'? In this way, each time a message sent will has a different subid.
Yes that's correct. Every time you send a new SMS to the same customer but using a new subid, the customer will receive a new SMS with a NEW mobile number and when they respond, it will come back through the subid used. This way, if you send two or three+ different appointments to the same customer, you will be able to tell which reply is for what appointment.
I'm setting up PHP/MySQL based website where users can enter search terms and the results are then shown (no surprises here!). What I'm curious about is how to get it so a user can send an sms query from their phone to a number, which then forwards the query to the php script, which then enters the query as the search term, and returns the results as an sms back to the user's phone. I think this is possible with your service, but just want to check if it is before I go ahead and get into it.
TraiTel is just a Telecommunications provider with various APIs so that our customers can connect to our gateway to either receive, send or retrieve messages. However, we do not offer programming assistance or advice, therefore unfortunately we would not be able to help you with functionality of your service.
In saying the above, we believe that if you take care of the programming aspect, that TraiTel can indeed supply you with either "replies" to SMS that you originally sent or MO (mobile originated) message delivery.
If you send an SMS first to a client and they then respond, the cost for that service (to receive replies) is only $12.49 per month. But, if you wish to receive an SMS first from your client, then you will need to pay $55 +GST per month for a dedicated number which can receive unlimited SMS which will then be forwarded to you.
Both of the above systems can work via our SMSviaHTTP API which can be found on our developers page.
I want send SMS here in Brazil, what is the best gateway to use?
If you use the option "replies to TTMessenger" at a cost of 22.8c per SMS then every operator in Brazil will be supported, but if you use "custom sender ID" at a cost of 11c per SMS, then we can not confirm which providers will be supported.
With your standard two-way service, do I get a dedicated mobile number?
TraiTel does not assign a "dedicated" mobile number to its customers. TraiTel will provide a random number to every person you send a message and that number will remain consistent every time you send a person a message. If you send a person a message using "replies to TTMessenger", then TraiTel will assign a mobile number to that person and every time you send them an SMS in the future, that person will get the same mobile number. BUT, if you send an SMS to "another" person, then they will get a "different" number assigned by TraiTel.
FIRST, you need to send an SMS from TraiTel to a mobile (your mobile or a customer's) and then, you can reply to that message and TraiTel will send you the response via TTMessenger or to your application that connects via one of our API's.
Your web test facility is not working. I tried to send a test here in UK but it never arrived.
Unfortunately, the free SMS test available via our web site is only for New Zealand users, hence why you were not able to send successful SMS to the UK and also why you would have received the "invalid number" response.
To send to the UK or any other country outside of New Zealand, please create an account and add the necessary funds for doing tests. If you would like some free credits and you are part of a company, please send us a quick email from your company's email account (not from a free email service) and we will provide you with a few credits to test with.
Is there anything that we need to change on our account to make sure that all messages sent via 021 XXXX XXX appear from 021 XXXX XXX on the receiving end?
To set that number as the default for all your outgoing message sender IDs, please log into your account, go to "SMS" then "Manage SMS Sender IDs". When you find that number, click to the left "make default" and lock it to ensure that its always the number that is shown no matter what API or method of sending the SMS that you use.
My account name is and I just received an SMS in the last 10 mins but I cannot read it. I have installed TTMessenger on my comp but the replies don't come through. Is there a way I can open this message?
It seems that you already had another account open with TraiTel and you asked to have that account closed. Why would you then open another account?
The system automatically freezes any of the 30 day trial services such as receiving SMS, fax or telephone calls to stop abuse. If you wish to continue receiving replies you will need to have this account closed and the other account which you previously had closed, re-opened again. You will not receive 30 days free trial again, since you already had it when you first started using TraiTel.
Another example for sending SMS via email.
To send an SMS via email is rather simple. All you need to do is create a new email with your current email client and instead of entering an email address, simply enter the mobile number in the following format:
64 = New Zealand, 228123123 = the mobile phone without the leading zero and is TraiTel's SMS domain name.
Then enter the content of the SMS in the body of the email and delete any signatures or disclaimers that you may have, because these would make the SMS very long. Our system looks at the content of the email and it will send that as the SMS to the number on the email address. If you have a lot of content then the system will send several SMS that are each split into 160 characters of length.
Once the email is received by the mobile, the recipient can then reply and you will get the response as an email.
Can you advise on how I can set up to receive SMS to my phone as well as (or instead of) the software?
To add your mobile phone to the system so that you can have responses directly to your phone OR forwarded from TTMessenger to your phone when you're not in front of the computer, please log into your web based account, then go to "SMS" followed "Manage SMS Sender IDs". Enter your mobile number (as shown in the web page) on the "mobile" sender ID section and once you get your password sent to your mobile, enter it in the web page.
Your mobile will be added to the system so that you can use it as either a sender ID or as a way to forward SMS to your mobile from TTMessenger.
When I view my SMS log it tells me, for example, that I sent out to 16 recipients. How can I view all the telephone numbers of these recipients?
To view the recipient's telephone numbers, you need to highlight that log and click on "resend" so that the information is placed in the main SMS window. The SMS will not resend as you must click on the "send" button for anything to be sent, but this way you will see all the numbers in the middle drop down on the left section. To avoid sending that SMS to all those recipients, please close TTMessenger by clicking on the red button on the top right corner - this will reset TTMessenger to normal.
Can I use TraiTel with my Rockend Rest application?
Yes! Details are:
After creating a TraiTel account, enter the email address into the default tab of Company Details. You will find this under "Other", "Utilities", "Company Details", "Default Tab".
Emails must be sent from a registered email address to You can register email addresses in your account by logging in, selecting "Settings" then "SMS via Email Settings" - you will see the email address window there. You can add or remove email addresses as required.
The Headers X-Cellphone: and X-From-Cellphone: may be placed in the MIME headers, or in a plain text body.
The mail headers must also contain a valid Date, From and To field.
The subject must be left blank. If the subject contains text, the text will be pre-pended to the message.
Errors such as invalid account, insufficient funds, and frozen account, will be returned to the sender in an email from, to the sender's email address, following the format specified by the customer.
Also you will need to email customer service with your username and ask to have this activated for your account for it to work.

If members call a TraiTel to TraiTel # is the call free and time unlimited?
Yes, when callers of TraiTel call each other, then the call is completely free and un-timed.
I need to re-install TTMessenger but lost my number. What do I do?
You don't need to know prior to installing TTMessenger, if you reinstall TTMessenger and enter your existing user name and password, all your telephone numbers will appear and your 'main' number will be showing in TTMessenger.
You could also refer back to the 'welcome to TraiTel' email that we sent you when you first signed up with us, in there is the phone number that is registered under your account.
If I travel to Asia or USA, can I still make calls to Wellington (my local area) for the same price?
You can go anywhere in the world and still be able to make calls as if you were in New Zealand. The cost will remain the same.
People I call are hearing an echo. Could it be my end?
The main reason for your echo could be the quality of the headset, SIP or USB phone that you are using. We have gone through 100's of units in-house and found that many of them actually produce echo due to bad insulation between the microphone and speaker.
You should try a "noise cancelling" headset if possible (if using your computer). These are readily available at low cost from your electronics retailer. You might find this to be the problem. Otherwise, you should experiment with your sound card to see if there's anything in the configuration of the MIC or something else that could be affecting the conversation. There's nothing else that can or could be doing it. It's either the headset or your sound card settings.
I want to use a virtual VOIP number so that I can receive a call in Wellington and have it redirected to my current VOIP service. How much does this cost? Is it even possible with TraiTel?
If you want to have a "real" virtual number which allows you to receive calls from mobiles and normal telephones, the cost will be $18 +GST per month and you can indeed make it divert to another provider. Diverting a call is the same as making a call, so charges will apply.
I am recommending someone go with you for VOIP where they would get you to port their home phone number to your service and pay the $18 per month.
TraiTel is able to port numbers from other providers, however this can take from 4 - 6 weeks. The form for porting is available under Billing and Services once you have logged into your account.
Alternatively, if you would like a new number from TraiTel we are certainly able to assist you and provide you with one at a cost of $18 as per your email.
Another option is that you simply use TraiTel for outbound calls only and retain your existing number to receive calls. TraiTel does not charge a monthly fee for making outbound calls only and you will only pay $0.12 per call to land lines and $0.22 per minute to mobiles.
Is it possible for me to have a phone no. in NZ for people to contact me at NZ local rates? I currently live in the UAE.
You can indeed receive local calls in New Zealand at local rates to the caller. The monthly rental fee for a real number is $18 +GST from TraiTel and you can receive calls by using TTMessenger software which is a free download from here.
1. Application for the number: is it free to apply a real-looking number? 2. Monthly rental: is it free from monthly fixed charges to use the real-looking number? Or "The cost per REAL number is only $18.00 per month" as stated in your website? 3.Outgoing calls: I understand how you charge for outgoing calls. It's very clear. 4.Incoming calls: is it free to receive calls to the real-looking number?
1. Yes, to apply is free - there are no establishment costs
2. The cost per real number is $18 +GST per month
3. Great
4. Yes, receive unlimited calls at no extra charge
5. If you would simply like to take advantage of TraiTel's outbound calling service, then all you would need is to create an account. There would be no monthly fees
Indeed I need only a virtual phone number and may make few calls outwards. Is there any suitable product/service? And what's the cost?
You can make telephone calls with TraiTel by using TTMessenger or by using a normal SIP device to make calls.
All you need is a virtual phone number (which is free) to be able to make outbound calls. The only cost will be on a per call basis, but no charges will be incurred on a monthly basis if all you are subscribed to is a virtual number.
Please I will need my TraiTel phone numbers to ring to my mobile phone number in the country I reside for my international business.
To set a diversion in place, you will need to download TTMessenger and install it on your computer. You can then go to "phone options" under the "options" menu and enter your diversion options.
You will need to add credit to your account (if you haven't done so yet) so that the cost of the call can be deducted from your account.
I would now like to start making calls, sending faxes and SMSs - how can I arrange to be able to buy credit so that I may have access to these facilities?
All you need to do is click on "add credit" button on TTMessenger and that will take you into your account and to the section that allows you to add credit.
You will then be able to add your credit card to the system and after having done that, you will be able to add funds to your messaging balance and send SMS / faxes / make telephone calls with it.
1. Can I forward TraiTel's virtual Number to MSN/Yahoo/SKYPE / SIP/ or any other Number in the World? 2. Or I have to download TTMessenger only in order to work these virtual Numbers, forward me link for downloading TTMessenger.
The free virtual number can only be used to call other TraiTel customers OR to make outbound calls to normal phones and mobiles for a small charge.
TTMessenger can be downloaded freely from here. At the bottom of the page is a link to our pricing page should you wish to explore the charges for outbound calling via TTMessenger.
What is the virtual number good for?
The "virtual number" that you received is for making and receiving "telephone calls" - it has nothing to do with SMS. TraiTel provides fax, SMS and VoIP services, so the virtual number is a number that can be used for making outbound calls using the TraiTel network and for receiving calls from other TraiTel users that use TTMessenger or SIP.
May we please adjust our service to cancel our Fax service and keep our VoIP service?
You can enable and disable services by logging into your account and going to "Services" at the top, then "Manage all services" and "unsubscribe" from the service you no longer wish to use.
Make sure, however, to leave the "virtual phone" number enabled as this is completely free and its needed in some cases for your account to operate properly.
Can I use my satellite connection for phone calls?
Satellite internet is not adequate enough for VoIP calls of any type, so we would not recommend that you create an account for the purposes of VoIP calls because you will be disappointed with the result. You need ADSL or Cable internet.
I have a business, what options do I have for making VoIP calls?
We have several VoIP options. You can use our free software to make calls directly from your computer (TTMessenger). TTMessenger can be downloaded freely from here or you can also use SIP based devices to make calls without using a computer. We sell SIP phones at a cost of $119 for business accounts. The phones are very complete and have all the functions you would expect from a corporate phone.
How do I call an 0800 or 0508 number?
You simply drop the leading zero and add the number after the country code e.g. 64800xxxxxx or 64508xxxxxx.

I own a voice broadcasting company in the United States, and have a client in New Zealand who would like to execute a campaign. Could I run the campaign through your system?
It is indeed possible to use TraiTel for your requirements. Either our VSMS or an alternative method can be used to send your voice broadcast.
Note that accounts are prepaid.
Would I need to pay additional $13 per month? Or can the VSMS be included with the SMS account.
To only send VSMS, there's no monthly fee. If however, you wish to receive VSMS, there's an additional monthly fee of $14.95.
I would like to know if the VSMS works the same way as the SMS for an IT perspective? That we may write the commands into our system.
There are currently two ways to send VSMS via TraiTel. The first is by using TTMessenger and the second is VSMS via SMTP. Documentation can be found in the developers section of the TraiTel website.
I have read that it is 18 cents per land line and am wondering if and how this may work if the land line or person answering were to put the "caller" on hold? Does the VSMS continue to play back with the message until the receiver hangs up?
Yes, a VSMS is almost identical to a normal call - the only difference is that its an automated system for streaming audio to the person that receives the message. You can, however, limit the call length to a certain amount of time if you wish so that the system hangs up after lets say 120 seconds or 60 seconds or whatever you think is necessary to play the message. VSMS can be sent to land lines and mobiles.
Is there a need to reply? And how does one reply from a land line?
If a person presses 2 on their phone's key pad, then the person can reply verbally and the message will be sent back to the sender of the VSMS. The VSMS service also lets the recipient of the call press 1 on their phone (if you choose this option) and be transferred back to a telephone help desk or sales line immediately - thereby quickly converting a VSMS call into a potential sale or customer response.
I have signed up for a trial account (under the name Txxxxx) and have downloaded TT Messenger and would like to try out the VSMS service to see if it will fulfill our requirements? I have been able to add people to my contact list and record a short message but am unable to add recipients. Am I missing some essential detail?
To add recipients is rather easy since you have already added all the contacts to your phone book. Simply click on the "contacts" button, then choose the phone book containing all the recipients/contacts which you want to send the VSMS to and go to "contacts" (top left), then choose "select all" and finally click on the OK button on the bottom right of the contacts window.
All the contacts should now have been added to the drop down that is to the left of the "recipients + button".
Prior to doing a broadcast we strongly suggest that you test with yourself first and then with a small group of individuals that you know. This way you can make sure that every aspect of the broadcast is correct prior to sending to 1000 people.
Finally, before you can send any VSMS, you will need to add a small amount of funds into your account to cater for the sending of VSMS - since the trial only covers "inbound/responses" to the VSMS that you send.

How do I access voicemail from my TraiTel SIP phone?
Simply dial 333 and follow the recorded prompts.
Where do I find the SIP settings for my account?
Once logged in to your account, select "Voice" at the top then under "Voice Service" select "Configure SIP device". Click on "Instructions".
How do I connect a SIP device through my TraiTel account?
There is a guide to connecting SIP devices through your TraiTel account here. This is available to save or print.

With VoiP phones do you offer hosted VoiP PBX?
Yes, indeed - TraiTel offers our IVR system which is very similar to a hosted PBX system. Our IVR system will provide your company with a centralised answering point so that the call can be correctly transferred to the appropriate person. Our IVR system is feature packed, yet very simple to use. However, the main purpose is to replace a receptionist and allow your customers to have their own automated interaction, in a similar way to when you call a major bank. The cost for our IVR system is only $54.95 per month.
In addition to our IVR system, you will need as many phones as you have personnel or locations. There's no limit to the quantity of phones that you can integrate into your network and they can be located anywhere where there's an internet connection. When you add more phones to your TraiTel account, you will be able to route calls between different staff members and view the status of every phone call online so that you or anybody else with access to the system is aware of who, where and when is on a phone call.
With the IVR system, it is us that call the person up with a recorded message. If the person wants to find out more, they hit a specified number on their keypad to be diverted to our call centre. Can you deliver this service?
Ok, so what you need is our VSMS service which does exactly what you want. You can broadcast a voice message to mobiles and land lines and have people either respond to the message (so that you receive a verbal reply to your computer) or press another button to be immediately transferred to a sales or support line. Take a look at our VSMS page.
I am looking for a voice messaging service that can direct callers to one of our numbers when they hit a number on their keypad.
Its called IVR and when a customer calls the system, they will be greeted by your message and given several options to choose from. You can divert them to another number, send yourself an email voice message, authenticate important customers by using PIN numbers and much more. The monthly cost for IVR is $54.95.

How do I use TraiTel's instant messaging?
TraiTel instant messaging is available for free to all users of TTMessenger. Simply click on the IM section in TTMessenger. If you enter the virtual numbers of other TTMessenger users in your contacts, you will be able to send them IMs. The first time you send someone an IM, they will be asked to authorise you as a contact for IM. After that you will be able to exchange IMs. More information can be found in the TTMessenger manual on page 12.

Can I export a book from my contact list?
You can indeed export a book. First log into the TraiTel account you want to export from, then click on the "Contacts" icon followed by "Add/Edit books". This will take you to a new section where you will see an export function that will allow you to export the entire phone book. After having exported the phone book, simply log into your new account, go to the same section and "import" the phone book this time.
I sent an SMS from web-messaging "Send SMS" and it was sent as 2 separate messages.
If your SMS is longer than 160 characters it will be sent as 2 or more separate messages. To have it sent as one message, please tick "Concatenation" under "Options". You will be charged for each message part.
How do I add a credit card to my account?
Once logged in, select 'Billing' then 'Add or update credit card'. Once the credit card details have been added and the 'Add' button clicked, TraiTel will check with the bank to ensure the card details are valid. After the card has been accepted you will be able to use it.
How do I add funds to my TraiTel account?
To add funds into your account, simply go to the top of this page and enter your user name and password in the log in fields.
Once logged in, you will see a menu at the top called "Billing", select this then "Add Funds", a page will load that will allow you to add funds to your messaging balance. Use the same password as for logging in, for adding the amount of funds that you require.
How do I send a fax?
To be able to send faxes you need to be subscribed to the fax service.
In your account, select "Fax" then "Send Fax" - enter the details as required, add attachments then click on "Send Now".
How do I send an SMS?
Once logged in to your account, select "SMS" then "Send SMS". Enter your details as required then click "Preview only". You then have the opportunity to check your message before sending.
How do I set up auto-recharge on my account?
This is found under "Billing", "Add Funds" - scroll down to the bottom of the window and you will come to "Setup Automatic Deposits". You will need to have made one manual deposit with your credit card before auto-recharge can be enabled.
I am trying to add funds but it doesn't seem to be working.
You can check credit card transactions for your account under "Billing", "Credit deposit history" - this will show failed as well as successful transactions and any error codes returned by the bank. You can also obtain receipts for deposits made here.
I want SMS replies to be stored in my account
In your account, select "Email", "SMS" then "Enable SMS Inbox/Outbox". Check "Enable Inbound (Reply) message content display" and click on "Save Settings". You will see an icon named "Inbox" under "Email", "SMS". Click on this to view received SMS content. Only SMS received after enabling will be stored in your account. They can be downloaded to a spreadsheet if required.
I would like copies of received faxes stored in my account.
In your account, select "Settings" then "Change email settings". Check the box that says "Store messages locally" then click on "Save Settings".
Copies of received faxes will now be stored in your email inbox in your account. Note: Once the email inbox is full, no further messages can be stored so please remember to delete unwanted items and purge the Trash to maintain space for received items.
I would like to divert my TraiTel real number to my mobile.
There is a quick guide here that will guide you through the process. You can even save it or print it out if required.
I would like to use TraiTel SIP.
There is a guide to connecting SIP devices through your TraiTel account here. This is available to save or print.

Is the service pre-paid or post-paid?
TraiTel's service is in 99% of cases pre-paid. Meaning you must first add funds into your account via credit card before you can use any of our outbound services such as, sending SMS, sending faxes, making phone calls and others which are similar.
Should you be a government body or a very large financially secure institution, TraiTel will consider providing you with a credit facility.
I require a tax invoice for my monthly use of electronic fax service. The payment is being directed from my AMEX, however I have received no receipts/tax invoice/s.
If you log in to your account, select "Billing" then "Credit Deposit History" you will see every payment made with your credit card. If you click on "Receipt" next to any payment a receipt will open which can be printed. If you wait till the first of each month the monthly invoice is generated by our billing system. Every single payment you make using your credit card will show up on that invoice/statement which you can use for tax purposes too.
I am unaware of any monthly fees. I do not believe there were any monthly fees when we signed up. Please send me a copy of the contract our company agreed to when joining.
Just go to the top of this page, click on "Create Account" and read the terms and conditions of that page and or the ones following it. It's the exact page that you used to sign up and also the exact terms and conditions that your company agreed to before the account was created.
Can I ask for the monthly fee to come out of my credits?
Unfortunately TraiTel doesn't have an automated system for doing this.
Our billing system is completely automated and designed in a way that most customers agree with - it would be a complicated process to change this for you. If you add a credit card to your account, the payment will be deducted automatically for the fee owed. You have 7 days to look at your invoice before the fee is deducted, if a charge is incorrect you can contact us and we will fix the problem before the fee is taken off your credit card.
I wish to continue with the fax number I have from you can you please contact me re payment?
The fax number will remain active as long as payments are made on time. The easiest way to keep the payments up to date is by adding a credit card to your account which will be charged on the 7th of every month giving you 7 days to inspect the bill that is issued on the 1st.
Simply log into your TraiTel web account and click on "Billing" then "Add or update credit card", enter a credit card on the page that loads. Make sure you click on the "Add" button after entering all the information.
Could you please send me copy/copies of the invoice/s adding to the amount of $XX.xx shown as
If you log in to your TraiTel web account, you will be able to view all previous invoices by going to "Billing" at the top then select "View monthly invoices". You will then be able to view and print or save all the invoices.
Is it possible to be charged on a credit card at intervals for the SMS service, rather than paying the account in advance?
Unfortunately TraiTel only operate on a "pre-paid" basis, therefore invoicing in arrears would not be possible.
However, a solution to your problem of having to remember when to add funds, would be to use our "automated credit card deposit" system. You can simply enable automatic deposits and when your account reaches a low balance which you predetermine, then it automatically tops up the account with more funds.
If you log into your TraiTel web account, go to "Billing" at the top, then "Add Funds" you will find "Setup Automatic Deposits" at the bottom of the page that loads.
Can you please cancel my account? I tried but failed.
Unfortunately, TraiTel staff are not able to cancel your account (please read the terms and conditions that you agreed to when creating the account). The account is "self" managed and the cancellation procedures work very well. Perhaps, you need to try from another computer or internet browser if you're having trouble with your existing computer.
How do we cancel some or all of the phone services we have with you?
Simply log into your TraiTel web account, go to "Services" at the top then "Manage all services" and then click on "unsubscribe" next to the services that you wish to cancel on the page that loads.
Am I able to provide you with a credit card number and have you debit $200 from it?
Please log into your TraiTel web account and go to "Billing" found at the top. Then go to "Add Funds" click where it says : To manage your credit cards and payment methods, click here" and add the card there then add the $200. This should take you very little time to do.
How do I add funds into my TraiTel account?
To add funds into your account, simply go to the top of this page and enter your user name and password in the log in fields.
Once logged in, you will see a menu at the top called "Billing", select this then "Add Funds", a page will load that will allow you to add funds to your messaging balance. Use the same password as for logging in, for adding the amount of funds that you require.
Can I attach word documents etc etc and have them come through as a normal fax when sending via email?
Yes, you can attach Word, Excel, PDF and many other types of documents to be sent as a fax to a normal fax machine. In our opinion (and a great percentage of our 25,000+ customers), using TTMessenger is the better option, you could simply try it and see how you find it. Worst case scenario you simply uninstall it and revert back to using email - no harm done.
Today we have cancelled account XXXXX, can you confirm that no more charges will be incurred?
If you cancelled the account during this month, the last invoice will be sent to you on the first of next month. All TraiTel monthly charges are in arrears, meaning that you first get to use the service and then TraiTel charge you. Therefore if you cancel this month, the charges for this month will be charged on the first of the following month.
Once you pay for that invoice, it will be the last invoice you pay for, unless of course, you decide to use the service again at some point.
Do you support sms delivery reports? Is there a way to tell what numbers were unable to be contacted or have become obsolete?
Yes TraiTel does. The cost of SMS with delivery report is $0.26 +GST each and the reports can be seen by logging into your TraiTel web account and going to "Reporting" followed by "SMS" then "Sent Log" to see the logs.
You will also need to go to "SMS" followed by "Manage SMS Sender IDs" and set the "Sender ID" to the "tracking" option.
I want to send out an SMS today, I have created it on your system, and it says it will cost $341.45 but our account balance is too low - it is zero. Can I pay for this by credit card somehow?
You can indeed pay for the SMS broadcast send with credit card.
All you need to do is go to "Billing" on the menu located at the top of the web interface, then go to "Add Funds", add your credit card and then enter $342 (the system will only accept round numbers) and enter your password to finalise the adding of the funds into your account.
Your account will be frozen the moment you add those funds. Since your account is at zero right now, it is very uncommon for a customer to go from $0 to a high value, so TraiTel automatically freezes such accounts to make sure that the account holder is not fraudulent. After your account is frozen, TraiTel will receive notice of your account and somebody will unfreeze it after checking it, please wait 5 minutes and then send all your SMS.
My monthly billing email arrived but there was no PDF - can you pls have this checked out and resend the PDF Tks
Since you don't have any active services that incur monthly fees, your invoice will not be sent via email. However, if you log into your account and go to "Billing", followed by "View monthly invoices" you will be able to open and print the last one which will be able to be used for tax purposes.
How do I create/ receive a tax invoice for this payment as I need this to claim back through my work.
Deposits are shown on the invoice / statement that is generated by TraiTel and sent as a PDF to customers every month on the 1st day of the month. All the deposits carried out on the previous month will be shown and the document can be printed if necessary for tax purposes.
I have not been able to login to my TraiTel account ever since yesterday.
Your account has actually been suspended due to a breach of TraiTel's trading terms and conditions. You entered an invalid credit card into your account in an effort to avoid paying for the due monthly fees, as a result, the account was suspended.
If you wish to have your account re-opened, you will need to provide us with a valid credit card and pay for the monthly fees of your account "in advance" and not in arrears as most other TraiTel's customers have the privilege to do. This is the only way to have your account un-suspended.
I unsubscribed from your service, but I'm still getting an invoice??
If you correctly unsubscribed from the service then it means that from the time which you unsubscribed you would not incur any new fees, but the fees which you incurred "prior" to unsubscribing are still applicable and must be paid.
There are two options, if you pay for the debt which you incurred you will not receive any new invoices from TraiTel, if you don't, then the account will automatically be referred to a credit collection and reporting agency and you can arrange to clear up the account with them. This will automatically happen with any account when the account remains unpaid.
The invoice doesn't disappear after you unsubscribe, much like with Telecom or Telstraclear for example. If you ask them to disconnect your fax line, it doesn't mean that you are suddenly no longer responsible for paying the fees incurred.
I have unsubscribed the service yesterday that was 01/02/2011. Why you have charged me for Feb 2011?
The invoice you receive on the 1st of February is actually for the month of January. All invoices that are sent by TraiTel are for the previous month of service. We always invoice in arrears not in advance. Since you cancelled yesterday, you will stop incurring any new fees from yesterday onwards, but prior to yesterday charges were still applicable.
Can you mail me the invoice?
TraiTel does not mail bills via the postal system, it sends them via email only. This information and how we communicate with our customers is included in our "terms and conditions" which needs to be agreed on prior to creating an account with TraiTel.
How do I change my credit card?
Log in to your TraiTel web account, go to "Billing", then then "Add or update credit card", and add a new one there.
If you have set up automatic deposits, you will need to re-enable this service once your new card details are entered. To do so, you must do the following:
1 - Disable automatic deposits
2 - Delete the expired credit card
3 - Enter the new credit card details
4 - Make one manual deposit with the new credit card
(this step is a necessary fraud-prevention exercise)
5 - Enable automatic deposits with the new card
I am trying to set up automatic deposits for our account but it won't allow me to select the new cc I have just added?
First thing you must do to be able to add a new card to the automatic deposits section, is to put a manual charge with the card. If the manual charge is approved, then you are able to add that card for future automatic deposits.

How do I cancel a TraiTel service or all my active services?
Quite simple. To cancel your services all you need to do is log into your web based account by using your user name and password. Once you're logged in, click on "Services" at the top, followed by "Manage all services". Just click on "unsubscribe" next to the service that you no longer wish to use and that's it!
I want to make sure that I don't get charged a monthly fee after the first 30 free days!
Simple, to make sure that you don't get charged a fee past the initial 30 free days (for Fax or Real VoIP), make sure to log into your account within the 30 days and then "unsubscribe" from any active services that you have in your account. You don't need to unsubscribe from the "virtual number" because this service is completely free and if you choose to remain a TraiTel customer and only make outbound calls, you will need this free number to do so.
What must I do to make sure that I do not get charged a monthly fee?
To make sure that you do not get charged a monthly fee, just simply do not subscribe to any of the monthly services. Services that attract a monthy fee are:
Fax (free 30 day trial for incoming faxes)
VoIP (Real number for receiving calls - 30 day trial free)
SMS (Two-Way service) - not needed for sending only
IVR (free 30 day trial)
VSMS (free 30 day trial)
I want to stop receiving correspondence from TraiTel
If you no longer wish to receive correspondence (i.e. email) from TraiTel, then simply click on this link and enter the email address that we're sending you information to. However, you can only unsubscribe completely from TraiTel if you have no more active services and/or there are no existing debts with the company. If you have a debt or an existing service, you will first need to attend to that prior to being able to completely unsubscribe.
How do I know what services I have active?
(for user name you can search for an email sent by TraiTel and look at the first part before the - that is your user name), for the password try something that you're familiar with or as a last resort, you can send an email with your user name and personal account details to customer service and request your password be reset. Once you're logged in, click on "Billing and Services" followed by "Manage all services" and there you will find all the services that you're subscribed to and more importantly "when" you subscribed.

I need to send confidential information. How secure is your Network?
The company's faxing and SMS network are extremely secure and the company has a policy of not keeping any data (sent/received faxes or SMS) on record unless the customer requests for this to happen. As a result, we have major banks as customers of TraiTel as well as many large, security-conscious companies.
How do I change my main email address?
To change the email address, the person responsible for the account needs to log in to their TraiTel account, then click on the "Settings" button (at the top) then " Change email settings". By entering the new email address in the "Your Email Address" field and clicking on "Save", an email with a link will be sent to the email address you entered. When the recipient clicks on the link the address will be changed.
Note that this email address is the one that receives all correspondence from TraiTel, including in many cases, faxes, SMS and other important messages. IF you are not the person which handles all technical aspects of the account, please consult with the right individual prior to changing this.
Should you wish to add an email that is specific to billing issues, at the bottom of the window is a field called "Send Invoices to:". Add the new email address here and click on "Save". All invoices and other billing related correspondence will be sent to that email address, whilst all other correspondence is still sent to the default email as mentioned above.
I would like to change some personal / company details.
To change/amend your name or to change other details entered during sign-up, simply log into your account, click on "Settings" then "Edit your profile" and in there change the details as required. Remember to click the "Save" button to save your changes.
I have been trying to sign up for your sms service, but I am unable to use Hotmail or Yahoo in your system.
Unfortunately unless you have a more commercial email address, you will not be able to sign up with TraiTel. Yahoo, Hotmail and most other free email addresses give TraiTel more problems than what they are worth - hence the policy of not accepting sign ups via these companies.
Your ISP should have given you an email address also, perhaps use that one.
We cannot find where on the web site to change our password?
To change your password is very simple. Log on to your TraiTel web account, go to "Settings" then "Edit Your Profile". In there at the bottom of the page that loads you will see the password change fields.
Can you please direct all future communication to the XXXXX President of the University of Sydney Commerce Society.
You will need to log into your TraiTel account, then click on the "Settings" icon then "Change email settings" and enter the new email address. The email address you enter will receive a confirmation email and the person will have to agree to receiving correspondence from TraiTel before the process of changing the email address is finalised.
Why do I have to do everything myself with TraiTel? What are the benefits?
TraiTel provides a very simple "self managed" account management. If you wish to have a service enabled with TraiTel, you simply log into your account, enable it and then immediately becomes available. Likewise if you no longer wish to use any of your services, you simply log in and "unsubscribe" the service to immediately have it turned off.
TraiTel staff do not get involved in the above process, because once again, accounts are self managed. You will also find this statement on the sign up page that you used to create your account - to view it simply click on "Create Account" at the top of this page (note that you need to agree to our terms and conditions of trade prior to being able to create your account, if you don't its simply not possible to create the account that you currently have).
Since all activity that is done on the account is logged by our system, if a service is disabled or enabled incorrectly, the customer is not able to blame TraiTel for carrying out an incorrect request.
A self managed account has its obvious benefits, because it allows you to get an instant response to your requests and as a result it lets you and TraiTel staff save time. This way you don't need to call anybody, write an email or send a fax to have anything done, which is what you would need to do when you want something changed with Telecom or Telstraclear or any other traditional telecommunications company. Instead of waiting 20 minutes or so on hold till you get an answer, you are able to subscribe, unsubscribe, delete or enable any service in seconds.
If you don't wish to have a service active, then you "must" unsubscribe it, otherwise it continues to accrue further charges because as far as the system is concerned, you are still wishing to continue using the service/s. If you have a phone line with Telecom or Telstraclear and no longer wish to have it active, you must call these companies and request from them to have it deactivated (otherwise it will continue to accrue more monthly charges), likewise, you need to do the same with TraiTel by logging into your account.
Password retrieval - I forgot my password.
Lost your password? You can use our web utility to retrieve lost passwords. You enter the username for your account and the password will be emailed to the main email address registered in the account.
TraiTel staff cannot view customer passwords but can reset passwords on request.

I have a SMPP application. I would like to know if it is possible to receive SMS using my application or it is only possible if I use TTMessenger?
Our SMPP server supports two-way messaging. Put your SMPP app into SMPP Transceiver mode instead of SMPP transmitter mode. In Web-Messaging, under 'SMS', "Manage SMS Sender IDs" select "Replies to TTMessenger/API" as the default ID, and, if you are not using sub-accounts, lock it (to prevent TTMessenger from changing it). Subscribe to the SMS Receive service if necessary.
Our SMPP supported modes:
Transceiver mode will allow send and receive in parallel;
Transmitter mode will allow send only
Receiver mode will allow receive only.
We support all three modes.
My company is behind a firewall and so smssender.exe is unable to get out. Can you please let me know what port number that smssender uses so that I can get it unblocked.
Outbound 80 to
Note that it will not follow proxy settings - it needs direct access to the address and port.
Note that it will (in most cases) fail if it is forced to go through a proxy.
If at all possible, please use one of our other API's - they usually provide a better solution, and expose more functionality than the EXE.
What character map do you support for sms mesages sent via your smpp interface?
Our SMPP Gateway, like every other TraiTel SMS gateway, will accept SMS messages formatted in standard 8bit ASCII characters (ISO-8859-1). From there, all of our gateways will convert these messages to GSM's default 7bit Alphabet for mobile messaging (GSM 03.38),
Note that some of the special characters listed in that particular alphabet are not supported due to compatibility issues with some of our carriers.
Here is a conversion table for your convenience. Again, please use the ISO-8859-1 character code when using the SMPP gateway. The conversion will occur automatically at our end.
Hex Dec Character name Character ISO-8859-1 DEC
0x00 0 COMMERCIAL AT @ 64
0x01 1 POUND SIGN # 163
0x02 2 DOLLAR SIGN $ 36
0x03 3 YEN SIGN ¥ 165
0x0A 10 LINE FEED 10
0x10 16 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA Δ Not supported
0x11 17 LOW LINE _ 95
0x12 18 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI Φ Not supported
0x13 19 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA Γ Not supported
0x15 21 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA Ω Not supported
0x16 22 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI Î Not supported
0x17 23 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI Ψ Not supported
0x18 24 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA Σ Not supported
0x19 25 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA Θ Not supported
0x1A 26 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI Ξ Not supported
0x1B0A 27 10 FORM FEED 12
0x1B14 27 20 CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT ^ 94
0x1B28 27 40 LEFT CURLY BRACKET { 123
0x1B29 27 41 RIGHT CURLY BRACKET } 125
0x1B3D 27 61 TILDE ~ 126
0x1B40 27 64 VERTICAL BAR | 124
0x1B65 27 101 EURO SIGN € Not supported
0x1E 30 LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S (German) ß 223
0x20 32 SPACE 32
0x22 34 QUOTATION MARK " 34
0x23 35 NUMBER SIGN # 35
0x24 36 CURRENCY SIGN $ Not supported
0x25 37 PERCENT SIGN % 37
0x26 38 AMPERSAND & 38
0x27 39 APOSTROPHE ' 39
0x2A 42 ASTERISK * 42
0x2B 43 PLUS SIGN + 43
0x2C 44 COMMA , 44
0x2D 45 HYPHEN-MINUS - 45
0x2E 46 FULL STOP . 46
0x2F 47 SOLIDUS (SLASH) / 47
0x30 48 DIGIT ZERO 0 48
0x31 49 DIGIT ONE 1 49
0x32 50 DIGIT TWO 2 50
0x33 51 DIGIT THREE 3 51
0x34 52 DIGIT FOUR 4 52
0x35 53 DIGIT FIVE 5 53
0x36 54 DIGIT SIX 6 54
0x37 55 DIGIT SEVEN 7 55
0x38 56 DIGIT EIGHT 8 56
0x39 57 DIGIT NINE 9 57
0x3A 58 COLON : 58
0x3B 59 SEMICOLON ; 59
0x3C 60 LESS-THAN SIGN < 60
0x3D 61 EQUALS SIGN = 61
0x3F 63 QUESTION MARK ? 63
0x5F 95 SECTION SIGN § 167
0x64 100 LATIN SMALL LETTER D d 100
0x65 101 LATIN SMALL LETTER E e 101
0x66 102 LATIN SMALL LETTER F f 102
0x67 103 LATIN SMALL LETTER G g 103
0x68 104 LATIN SMALL LETTER H h 104
0x69 105 LATIN SMALL LETTER I i 105
0x70 112 LATIN SMALL LETTER P p 112
0x71 113 LATIN SMALL LETTER Q q 113
0x72 114 LATIN SMALL LETTER R r 114
0x73 115 LATIN SMALL LETTER S s 115
0x74 116 LATIN SMALL LETTER T t 116
0x75 117 LATIN SMALL LETTER U u 117
0x76 118 LATIN SMALL LETTER V v 118
0x77 119 LATIN SMALL LETTER W w 119
0x78 120 LATIN SMALL LETTER X x 120
0x79 121 LATIN SMALL LETTER Y y 121
Can you confirm the version of SMPP you are using. I have to date worked with v 3.4, and was not in fact aware of a version 5.0. I don't expect any compatability issues however I've been suprised before.
TraiTel's SMPP Gateway supports the SMPP V5.0 protocol, which is also backwards-compatible with v3.4. The functions that are not implemented are listed in our API documentation (such as 'ReplaceSm', 'CancelSm', etc)
The 9 character limit on passwords (8 + the terminating character) is in both the v3.4 and v5.0 specification.
With your HTTP API, I don't like the idea of sending user name/password/mobilenumber/text in the query string as clear text. Is there a secure web service option that you provide to send sms?
You could send the query string by using https instead of http for a secure and encrypted method. We accept the query strings via our https server also.

How do I create a teleconference?
Simply log in to your account, select "Voice" then "Create Conference". Follow the instructions, entering the phone numbers and any other details you require, then press "Start".
There is more information on our teleconference page.