Fax Voicemail
When you first sign up to start using the TraiTel 'Fax' service you get a real number that people can send faxes to, however with this number you also have the facility to start receiving voice messages to your email address in the same way that you will now receive faxes.
This service is free and is available with all the fax numbers that we provide, so from this moment on, callers will be able to call you and leave a voice message that you will be able to listen to every time you receive your email.
Default greeting
The default greeting that your caller will be able to hear is going to recite back to them in a clear voice your TraiTel fax number so that when the caller listens to this they can be assured the correct number has been rung.
By default, the greeting on your fax number is disabled. If you would like to have the greeting enabled, all you need to do is log into your web account, go to "Settings", then click on "Greeting and Voicemail".
The procedure for activating your greeting is as follows:
1. Enter a PIN code (between 6 and 10 digits in length).
2. Click on "Save".
Personalised greeting
In some cases, the default message might not be enough to satisfy your requirements. This is why we have made it very easy to personalise this message so that when a caller rings your number, he or she is greeted with your voice in the same way as if they were to ring a standard answering machine.
The procedure for personalising your message is as follows:
1. Call your newly assigned fax/voice mail number with a normal phone.
2. Interrupt the standard greeting by entering your new pin code.
3. Follow the rest of the prompts to personalise your voice mail greeting.